Pool Table Maintenance

Pool is one of the all time classic games enjoyed by many the world over. Whether it’s playing from the comfort of your own home, out in a bar, or with buddies down the local hall — it provides us with a great way to socialize and have some fun! 

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    Tips For New Pool Table Owners

    professional pool table movers houston

    Maybe you’ve decided that now’s the time to scratch that itch and purchase a new pool table of your own…

    It’s probably gonna be one of the coolest items in your house!

    But you don’t know the first thing when it comes to care and maintenance. 

    They might be big bulky pieces of equipment, but their felt and cushions are delicate and need proper handling.

    At the end of the day… Something that's a long-term investment, and you're going to spend many hours on with friends and family, — has got to last! 

    And a little knowledge will go a long way to helping you achieve this.

    In this article we will go over the necessary steps you should take to make sure your new pool table stays in tip top condition the year round!

    So let's chalk up, and pot a few safekeeping tips into your pockets...

    How To Clean Your Pool Table

    It’s inevitable that your pool table will pick up dust and debris from time to time. To keep it looking its best, you must learn how to give it a good old clean.

    Now, when it comes to cleaning a pool table, there's several steps you must go through in order to achieve the best possible outcome:

    Step 1 — Remove all balls from the table and set aside in a safe place.

    Step 2 — Brush the table in one direction from headstring to footail with a special pool table brush.

    Step 3 — Brush any left-over pieces of dirt into the pockets.

    Step 4 — Take your rail brush and go along the pool table rails brushing debris into the pockets once again.

    Step 5 — Now get your hands on some Game Room Guys Felt Cloth Cleaner, a great product used to (as you might have guessed) clean off any chalk marks left on your tables cloth, using a dry microfiber cloth — making sure to to wipe in one direction from headstring to foot rail.

    Step 6 — Taking a lightly dampened cloth, go back over the entire table and rails to clean off any fingerprints left behind.

    Step 7 — At this stage you can wipe or hover out the pockets to collect all that dust and dirt from the previous stages.

    Step 8 — Now take your dry microfiber cloth one last time, and give your pool table a good buff to leave a nice clean finish. 

    And you're done!

    Important side note: Many people choose to clean off dust and dirt from their pool tables surface with a brush head hover. This is not recommended as the hoover's suction can actually lift the felt. If you want to vacuum, be sure to use one without the brush head attachment, and pull it from one end of the table to the other, as opposed to pushing. This will keep your cloth from rising. 

    Removing Stains From Pool Table Felt

    Being the social game that it is, your pool table will inevitably fall victim to the odd stain or two in its lifetime. Accidents happen. But if dealt with correctly, there’s no need to panic about that unsightly soda spill or pizza splatter.

    We must follow a similar step by step process to keeping your pool table clean, when it comes to removing stains…

    Step 1 — Act fast! As soon as a spillage happens, be quick to dab your pool table with a clean lint-free cloth, until you've removed as much of the matter as possible.

    Step 2 — This time take another clean lint-free cloth and lightly dampen with cold water making sure not to rub the stain. Instead gently dab it to prevent your felt from getting damaged. Give your cloth a good rinse out.

    Step 3  — Mix two tablespoons of white vinegar in a bowl of cold water and submerge your rinsed out cloth. Wring out and continue to dab the stained surface.

    Step 4 — You’ll want to keep repeating the rinse, wring and dab process until the stain has disappeared. Let the felt dry completely before using your pool table again. If the stain persists once dry, take some more water and vinegar solution, and dab again.

    Important side note: Anytime you use water or any other solution on your pool table,  always be sure to let the felt dry fully before using again. If you don't, the risk of your tables felt tearing will increase dramatically! 

    Regular Care And Maintenance Procedures For Your Pool Table

    When it comes to regular care and maintenance for your new pool table, there’s an old saying that rings true, “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.”

    By the way, did I mention that repairs can be quite costly? So taking the right measures to avoid them will help you save some of your hard earned ‘mula.’

    The two key forms of care and maintenance for your new pool table are:


    Premature aging is every pool table owner's worst nightmare. Here’s a few simple ways to put the brakes on your felts aging process:

    Pick an appropriate area to place your table, away from direct sunlight and hot, humid temperatures. This will prevent the cloth from fading and moisture buildup.

    Don’t use the table to store stuff, and be sure not to sit or lean on the sides. This will keep the rails in good condition and avoid straining.

    Invest in a decent cover to place over your pool table when it's not in use. This will help prevent dust from collecting on its surface, and keep everything underneath like new.

    Regular Maintenance

    Like with any household piece of furniture or equipment, the more regularly you show it some TLC, the longer it will last. And it's no different with your pool table.

    You’ll want to routinely perform the following tasks:

    Felt — Brush down and clean the felt to remove chalk, dust and any other particles that may have settled on the surface. (follow appropriate steps above) 

    Wooden Frame — If your pool table has wooden legs and frame you can give it the odd lick of polish to keep things shiny and new. Try to avoid using any ammonia-based cleaners on wooden surfaces, and always dry off with a clean microfiber cloth.

    Pockets — If you've purchased a pool table with ball retaining pockets, then you will have to pay some attention to maintaining these as well. They actually receive more damage than any other area of the table.

    Think back to times when you became ‘The Maestro’ for a brief minute and were bashing in close range pots left right and centre. What did the poor old pockets ever do to you…?

    Anyway you get the point. The pockets need some love and care if they’re to last the test of time, and here's what you should do:

    • Use a damp cloth and some warm soapy water to wipe down the pockets.
    • Dry with a clean dry cloth.
    • Store balls evenly across all pockets to ensure even weight distribution.
    • Check pocket staples and stitches regularly to make sure they stay intact, and replace if need be.

    Balls — Your pool balls will pick up chalk overtime, especially the cue ball. Use a ball cleaner, or water, to clean off any residue left from your cue tips, and dry with a clean cloth or some paper towels.

    Do’s And Don’ts For Caring For Pool Tables

    So you've finally got your new pool table set up in it’s perfect location and want it to stay looking as cool and slick as it does right now!

    Here’s a few important do’s and don'ts for caring for pool tables to help you out with that…


    • When brushing down your pool table, always use a special table brush to remove any dust and debris.
    • Brush with gentle strokes in one direction from head string to foot rail.
    • Brush down your table felt after every session.
    • If using a vacuum to clean up dust and dirt, use a low powered version with not much suction.
    • Always use a lightly dampened cloth when cleaning stains to limit the risk of your table absorbing water.
    • Keep your pool balls clean and always dry thoroughly after cleaning.
    • Always use a pool table cover when not in use to keep dust and debris from collecting on the tables surface, and to stop fading of the felt.
    • Polish your table's wooden frame regularly to maintain its shine and keep it looking fresh.
    • Keep an eye on your pool tables pockets making sure they don't become loose by regularly checking their stitching and storing balls evenly.


    • Never brush your pool table in opposite directions. You’ll risk fraying or tearing the cloth, and detaching it from the slate underneath.
    • Don’t use excessive amounts of water to clean up spillages or chalk marks. 
    • Don’t use a high powered vacuum with a brush head.
    • Don't play with dirty pool balls.
    • Never store items directly on your pool tables surface.
    • Don't use ammonia-based products to clean your table's wooden frame.
    • Make sure not to store too many balls in the same pocket.

    And anytime you might need your pool table professionally repaired, felt replaced, or need to have your table moved, reach out to our experts for help. We provide the best services available in the greater Houston area!